
Monday, September 25, 2017

The Storm

                                The Storm
A strong gust of wind blew over the land, shaking and knocking down trees as it went by, as it pulled a big black cloud, all could see there was a storm coming near. There was screaming and shrieking as people fled for shelter, Raindrops fell hard making rivers out of puddles, filling up holes and pools, people yelled and screamed to try and make it stop but it would not, after drowning farmers crops and grass, a deep rumbling came from high in the sky, that scared the people all over again, the sheep ran away with the shepherd desperately trying to catch them, it finally came to an end but leaving a big mess behind it.

Monday, September 18, 2017


WALT: rewrite Maori myths 

Tūmatauenga woke up to the darkness, went to sleep in the darkness. He lived in the darkness with all his brothers, sometimes life was boring, sitting there wondering what the sun looked like and there would be fun days playing around in the dark but they hardly ever happened. Out of all the gods only Tūmatauenga thought it was ok, every time they would try to separate them he would say “why do you want to separate our dear parents, they give us food and water and a home and this is how you repay them?!” the others would hang their heads guilty. But the brothers could not take it anymore they wanted to separate their parents. Nothing would stop them. One by one they tried but failed Tūmātauenga tried whacking them with his patu before he could whack  Tāwhirmātea was on to him. After three hundred years ( three thousand tries and fails forty nine fights) they felt like giving up but only Tāne Mahuta was positive “we should stop our fighting and make a plan” so they found a cave to hide in and make their plans “we should kill them!” Tūmatauenga yelled “crazy cow” thought Tūmatauenga “ what do we do?” they all thought over and over again finally one of them came up with an idea Tāne Mahuta  “I can grow as a tree and separate them” the other brothers looked at him they didn't know if it would work but they were desperate  so Tāne Mahuta stood on the ground with his hands in the sky and grew the brothers did not know that it would take thousand of years for Tāne Mahuta  to grow high enough to separate them. Another thousand years later Tāne Mahuta  was a great big tree  when he felt like it was time he pushed and pushed and suddenly… Pop! They were separated the brother looked at the new found light coming into the world. New plants started to thrive and big and little animals hoped and ran around them. As for their parents (Ranginui and Papatūānuku) were so sad Ranginui cried seas and rivers of tears and that is why we have water and rivers and so on  Papatūānuku was sad as well whenever she sighs fog would come out of the earth and the brothers lived happily ever after. All but one Tāwhirmātea he went up to the sky with his father.

The End.

Friday, August 25, 2017

our storyboard

We are learning to find a Maori myth and rewrite it.


why water is important

          Why water is important
Water is very important for us to use. Without it, we would all be dead. Because we would all get dehydrated.

How much water do we need? For a start, we need two litres a day. It's not just us who need the water, animals need it too. (By that I mean all of them like wild ones and pets.) people can survive up to three days without water. The longest time someone has gone without water was at least eight to nine days long. Sixty-five percent of our body is made out of water.

Is water in our food and drinks? Yes, it is. Just about everything we use is made out of water, for example, bread is made out of water because you need to water to wheat and then you have to wash it so without water we wouldn't have food like bread. Another example is that your drinks are made out of water like coke. without the water in it it be a pile of powder.

Are we running out of water? No, we are not because of a thing called the water cycle.  The water comes up the to the cloud as water vapour then the clouds come down to the earth as rain sleet hail or snow so the water recycles itself over and over again. Do you know that the water that comes out of your tap might have been drunken by a dinosour.

As I said at the start, water is very important because without it we will get dehydrated  and we can't make food and drinks.  

Te Reo Waiata