
Friday, August 25, 2017

our storyboard

We are learning to find a Maori myth and rewrite it.


why water is important

          Why water is important
Water is very important for us to use. Without it, we would all be dead. Because we would all get dehydrated.

How much water do we need? For a start, we need two litres a day. It's not just us who need the water, animals need it too. (By that I mean all of them like wild ones and pets.) people can survive up to three days without water. The longest time someone has gone without water was at least eight to nine days long. Sixty-five percent of our body is made out of water.

Is water in our food and drinks? Yes, it is. Just about everything we use is made out of water, for example, bread is made out of water because you need to water to wheat and then you have to wash it so without water we wouldn't have food like bread. Another example is that your drinks are made out of water like coke. without the water in it it be a pile of powder.

Are we running out of water? No, we are not because of a thing called the water cycle.  The water comes up the to the cloud as water vapour then the clouds come down to the earth as rain sleet hail or snow so the water recycles itself over and over again. Do you know that the water that comes out of your tap might have been drunken by a dinosour.

As I said at the start, water is very important because without it we will get dehydrated  and we can't make food and drinks.  

Te Reo Waiata

Duck Creek Report

New Zealand Weather

WALT: Reorganise the text to answer comprehension questions.

Monday, August 21, 2017


We are learning to use Infomation from text to find out questions.

Monday, August 14, 2017


we are learning to find facts in a text instead of google.

Ko Wai Au?

we are learning to write an explanation of a chosen animal or plant and give people enough information to guess the animal or plant is.

 Ko Wai Au?
I roam the seas looking for food to eat like small fish, I have large eyes to see under water really well. I have predators like killer whales, polar bears and sharks. When I am young I am a target for them.

I use water for drinking it and eating the fish that live in it.  most of my life is under water. I am white when I am young but as I grow older I turn grey. For food, I hunt for fish in a big group called a herd. I am made to live in the cold I have a fur coat and a thick layer of fat. Two names I have what am I?

I am a harp seal my other name is Saddleback because I have got a saddle shape on my back. If you want to find me look at the Arctic. Sadly most of us are hunted at a young age. In the wild, we can live up to twenty years! we are very noisy too (like all seals) my Scientific name is Pagophilus groenlandicus
Oceanwide expeditions say that there are six stages of a harp seals life.

Friday, August 4, 2017

water soundscape

The water cycle

The water cycle
We all use water to drink it, play in it and more, but have you ever wondered what happens to it before we get it?  There are four stages it has to get through. Evaporation, condensation, precipitation and collection.
Evaporation is when the sun warms up water bodies (lakes, rivers and the sea) then the water turns into vapour. Soon they will float up to the sky, to form clouds. Transpiration is when the water from the roots of plants rise up to the leafs of plants.  

Condensation is the second stage of the water cycle. It happens after the water vapour goes up to the sun. The water vapour gets cold and turns into big, and sometimes small fluffy clouds.

Precipitation is when the fluffy clouds get very heavy with all the water in it. Then they all fall back to the ground as rain, snow, sleet or hail.

Collection when the water runs through mountains and cracks to get too big water bodies. Then it will sit there until it starts all over again. So, basically it recycles itself again and again to the end of time.

Water is very important, without it we would all die, and so would the animals and plants. Everyone has water in their lives, to keep us hydrated